Water is essential for the correct operation of the human body, but most cats are poor'drinkers'.  We show you ways to improve your cat's connection with the liquid component.

The entire body of the cats, originating in the desert, was made to conserve water and the thirst mechanism is not quite developed.  They're slower and not as effective in repairing water intake to prevent dehydration from environmental variables or disease...
In the wild they drink small and cover their requirement for liquid particularly with their prey, using a percentage of water of 75 percent (commercial wet food approx. 75%, dry meals approx. 10%).
They're also able to re-concentrate the pee to conserve water.  However, what helped them live in their natural habitat can result in serious problems in modern cats.   And, in the case of men, obstructions with deadly outcome.
For guidance, the amount of daily water intake required is 50ml / kg of weight, but varies based on activity, diet, health status and outside elements like the time of year and fever.  In sick cats with hyperthyroidism, diabetes or kidney problems, sufficient water intake may lead to an improvement in the level of quality of life along with a longer survival period.

There are a number of things, easily implementable that may significantly increase water consumption:

Shape: Broad and shallow.
Cat whiskers are ultra-sensitive sensors that are extremely important to them.  That's why they don't like bowls where they brush them or have to press them from their faces .
Though it's funny: In case your cat drops the paw from the water and sucks it to drink, he is telling you that he doesn't enjoy his bowl.
Location: Away from litter and food tray.
Cats prefer it and at the exact same time that it avoids water contamination with food debris.  It's advisable to distribute several water bowls around the home, preferably on the cat's usual path.
Material: Preferably ceramic glass or * **.
They do not retain odors and don't release undesirable substances such as some made of plastic or metal.  In addition you prevent your cat from getting contact allergies or acne.
Cleaning: Scrub daily and wash completely.

Don't use citrus detergents **, a smell that cats dislike.

* Note: It's important that the containers be for food use.  Cosmetic glass includes lead and ornamental ceramic poisonous varnishes.
** My cats stopped eating and drinking from one day to the next for no apparent reason... until I realized that I had changed the dishwashing detergent.  I moved back to the old goods and everything went back to normal...
The water

clean and fresh (change)
Chlorine free: Cats have an excellent olfactory sense and a few reject chlorinated water.
Low mineral material: Many cats also appear to reject'tough' waters with a high salt and mineral content.
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You can offer them  filtered water or mineral water with a low mineral content.
And the great majority of cats favor moving water.  Many prefer to drink out of the faucet or lick on the walls of the sink or tub.
If You Cannot or don't want to put a fountain, you can always put in an ice block into the water from time to time to make it more appealing
A fountain

There is a vast range of fountains for cats of various shapes, materials, with and without filters etc. over the industry.  Perhaps the most practical are those that offer both a flow of water and water sliding down a surface. 
Having a fountain with moving water, cats not just drink more, but enjoy the environmental enrichment it entails.  This helps avoid diseases, improves their  health, conserves us worries and health care expenses.

Put a big container with water and a number of rocks or a mini-aquarium.
Add (gradually more) water to the food, either dry and moist.
Add a couple drops of lotion or chicken broth into the drinking water.
Obsessions or clues?
When your cat scratches the ground next to the bowl: He wants to inform you that he doesn't  like the place or the bowl.
In case your cat pushes the bowl of water using the paw or'digs' in the water:
Cats don't observe the objects right in front of them, so it's believed, that they behave like this to calculate where the surface of the water is.
In case your cat repeatedly puts his paw into the water and licks it: Most likely, he doesn't like the bowl since he has to fold his whiskers.


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